Best Allergy Medications for Kids

The pediatric allergists who we’ve seen have said that all the allergy medications being used to treat children’s allergies are “very safe these days.” However, I like to double-check everything, including what the doctors say. Plus, to me, there’s a range of “safe” which I like to call risk reduction. Here’s what I found: there are in fact, nuances to the common allergy medications that are prescribed like Zyrtec and Benadryl, that are worth considering when deciding which to use and when. (If you want to try and reduce allergies without medications, see my posts on physically reducing allergens in your environment and also natural ways to minimize or treat your allergies.)

Best anti-histamine for kids: Zyrtec

Best anti-histamine for kids, best allergy medicine for kids
Zyrtec is the most popular anti-histamine for kids

For regular environmental allergies, Zyrtec seems to be the anti-histamine of choice. It’s the second fastest-acting (20 minutes – 1 hour) and lasts 24 hours. Benadryl apparently works the fastest, but its main ingredient has been linked to increasing risk of dementia. Many allergists no longer recommend Benadryl for kids at all. The Stanford clinical trials on OIT for peanut allergies used to require children to dose daily with Benadryl. When the studies came out about its link to dementia risk, they switched over to Zyrtec immediately.

Claritin takes longer to work (3 hours). Allegra, another popular choice, is shorter-acting and apparently less effective. 

Anecdotally, on a Facebook group for children with allergies, some parents noted increased aggressive behavior and acting out during their child’s regular use of Zyrtec. They felt that symptoms resolved with the use of Allegra. I searched this briefly and found that allergy meds are sometimes linked to negative effect on behavior, although no one particular anti-histamine is blamed. It appears to depend on the child.

Our own pediatric allergist also recommended Zyrtec during our food allergy treatment, but did not have any particular reason for not recommending the others. If you’re looking for the quickest relief possible (and for one-off use) such as reaction to a food allergen, etc. then Benadryl might be your top choice. Also, according to our pediatric allergists, if you need the medication to get into your system faster, then choose liquid over tablet form.  However, if your child needs the medication daily, then Zyrtec sounds like a safer choice.

Best nasal spray for kids: Flonase Children’s Sensimist

Best nasal spray for kids, best allergy medicine for kids
Flonase Sensimist is the most popular nasal spray for kids

Two of our pediatric allergists recommended Children’s Flonase Sensimist (different formulation from the adult version). One pediatric allergist called it “super safe.” It appears to have the least amount of systemic absorption – which is what you want since you are mainly trying to treat nasal symptoms and want the drug to work locally. We were also warned to be sure and spray away from the nasal septum as spraying directly can damage the septum and cause nosebleeds. 

Even with Flonase, it seems that the less you need to use it, the better. Studies have found that inhaled corticosteroids, like Flonase, can stunt a child’s growth.


One pediatric allergist’s ranking of allergy meds for children

Side effects of common children’s medications

Negative effect of anti-histamines on behavior

Corticosteroids can stunt growth

4 thoughts on “Best Allergy Medications for Kids

  1. Elemental Wisdom November 26, 2019 / 5:26 pm

    I haven’t written the post yet, but I’m working on children’s diets from a Chinese medicine perspective. There are great pediatric Chinese medicine/acupuncture doctors who eliminate allergies and the need for medicine. What a great choice. It might be worth trying TCM (Traditional Chinese medicine) first before launching into medications. Acupuncture actually cured my son’s asthma after too many on medications that had negative side effects. Just a thought!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Wish I knew before November 26, 2019 / 6:30 pm

      I look forward to that post! Would love to hear more about your experiences. I’ve seen this formula for asthma:
      However, I understand one of the ingredients to be quite expensive and I also haven’t researched it enough. For my allergic kids, I’m currently trying small amounts of red ginseng tea daily sometimes mixed with some of the more commonly known allergy herbs (huang qi, etc.). I’ll post about it if it works!


      • Elemental Wisdom November 26, 2019 / 11:50 pm

        Here’s a long reply just for you 🙂 No need to share.

        Most of the best strategies are free, believe it or not. 🙂 There are wonderful acupressure massage points that are on my “Breathe Easy” post. Also, many cities have free or reduced price acupuncture clinics as community outreach. When you signed up for my blog, you should have received access to Free Resources page. On there is a health assessment link. Here you can see, for free, what imbalances you kids might have and foods that could help them. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, allergies arise from an imbalance in the body which weakens the immune system.

        A book I recommend to help you understand how to help your children stay healthy and fight allergies and other typical disorders is available at this link:

        It’s a great resource for your ongoing research. Happy to help answer any questions you have.


  2. Wish I knew before December 17, 2019 / 7:15 am

    Thanks for the book recommendation! I bought it and am just starting to go through it. I also went to look for the health assessment link, but I couldn’t find it – : oh never mind found it!


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